
Saturday, September 30, 2006

T&T and TTC


Gone for a little bit more than a year from TO, there were a lot of new restaurants and supermarkets opened. T&T was a very good example, there was only one store when I left and now there were at least 3 that I know…T&T is so successful because of its services and varieties they provided. "喜刷刷 " is the new hot pot place that I went for dinner yesterday with my U friends. Convenience concept (buffet - self served) and it has a large screen monitor (play MTVs) located in the center of the restaurant to keep its customers entertained throughout their meal.


On the other hand, TTC, the public transportation in TO has not changed at all and will not change even in 20 years from now. Kipling to Kennedy, no more and glad no less!!! Ah~~~No improvements lei!!!!!

Thanks you Lay Tee and Theresia for your lovely dinner treat!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


今次歸家, 為0左節省$$, 我家姐Shirley用佢d credit card 分換0左免費機票比我坐國泰. 本人對國泰都幾有好感, 喜歡佢0既 service, personal TV等等. 但今日之後, 我對佢徹底地失望. 一上機穩到個位坐低就發現個腳踏同扶手都係壞0既, 個位又窄, 想要換位又唔得!!! 送餐時明明聽到個空姐問"Chick or fish or pasta". 我坐23行咁前, 佢境然由後排起派發, 0黎到我到就問"得pasta好唔好"? 真想反問唔好咁又點? d 飛機通粉都已經又硬又乾晒!!! 到supper time派三文治時, 問個空中少爺要杯麵, 佢又等等先...一等就等到落機~~~

Monday, September 25, 2006


看完了今晚的結局, 終於讓我落淚了 ~ 悲喜交雜, 但感覺很棒!!! . 從5/21到現在, 每日都在等著星期日, 謝謝戚偉易的陪伴, 佢帶被我19個星期日的期待和感動. 戚偉易的每一個眼神, 心裡都不捨. 七少雖然死了,但佢應該係幸福的,因為佢話 "其實,對於火星人來說,根本沒有生與死的分別,因為離開這個世界上的人,全部都回去那個地方,離開這世界的人,全部都住在lucky star裡,然後高掛天空,一閃一閃在對你眨著眼睛" .....所以佢應該已經活喺lucky star 中. 我真的很喜歡仔仔的戚偉易.
但今晚以後會有d失落, 因為下一個星期日再沒有戚偉易啊!!!
喺星期一 九月 25, 2006 12:06 am, "越戰越勇的周渝民本尊"亦喺中視討論區發表了以下內容

"真的很謝謝各位.. 網站不行了.. 我不會待太久 不過..深情迷們..我們都完成了一個不可能實現的美夢 在今晚 我們做到了! 真的非常感謝 謝謝!! 避免再次當機..我就先... :-P
多謝大家等待~ 現在我只能說不用等了 因為...我來了!!"

我不會忘記深情密碼帶給我的感動, 2006 年的聖誕節, 我一定想起仔仔的戚偉易和LUCKY STAR的手勢!!!

Grab a quick bit in CWB on Sunday for lunch...

I wanna wear Prada 2...and many more

Heard that the story is based on the best-selling novel by Lauren Weisberger, about the all-powerful editor of Vogue. Being a reader of Vogue, this movie prompt me to go see it! Luckily I have Gloria to watch it with me and since I am leave for my vacation soon. The only time that I am available was this Sunday morning. I take a bit of effort and commitment of my own to get up that early for a movie before going to work! Well, that tells you how good the movie must be in order to get my lazy bud from lying in the bed until noon. I loved the pace of the movie and the many many high heels and nice dresses that I will not be able to wear but Anne Hathaway, Andy in the movie, wore them perfectly!

好好睇~Meryl Streep was great! "That's all"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My new gadget

For the price of HK$760, I got myself a 250GB external hard disk. It is great! No installation needed and it is compatiable with many computers. I even divided it into 3 partition for the ease of saving my "stuff". It is only as big as a novel. I highly recommended to all of you! Imagine having you own library of clips for all your F4's clips? Back up for all your digital photos? Yeah, you name it....

Saturday, September 16, 2006



Friday, September 15, 2006





Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Lake House

Sunday, September 10, 2006


真係耐未試過可以喺假日0既下午收早, 感覺好舒服. 來本想早0的返歸, 不過今日下午0既天氣太好, 確實唔想浪費0左佢. 決定"穩"今日放假0既大波士. 佢尋走0左堂, 今日補返, 晨早出0左銅鑼灣去做運動. Send message 比佢時, 佢咁啱喺 Sogo hea 緊, 話要買個 handgrid 比佢個LV. 個袋太重, 個 shoulder位唔舒服.
Hea 完 Sogo後, 我0地就去穩食. 結果行0左去"日本拉麵橫丁"品嚐正宗拉麵! 下午茶餐包拉麵, 小食同氣水. 食完仲送VIP 20% discount 卡!!!


Saturday, September 09, 2006


今日返早, 難得撞到大波士一齊收工, 又講起Krispy Kreme, 決定叫佢走堂(健康舞之類), 帶佢去試試. 以前當Krisy Kreme剛剛喺多倫多launch時, 幾乎每個星期都有免費donut食, 因為個開方牛住 0左喺我間酒店到超過大半年 - . 肥死!!! 香港間店喺銅鑼灣利園山道, 唔難”穩”. 不果當去到0既時候, 就見到好多貪新鮮又喜歡排隊0既香港人!!! 大波士話唔想等. 結果去0左紅螞蟻食下午茶(其實淨係.得我食, 大波士淨飲).

之後又去0左Sogo後面睇人為mud絕食. 行過唱片舖見到周董0既<<依然范特西>>& Vanness0既 Scandal 特別版 - 買!!!