
今日返早, 難得撞到大波士一齊收工, 又講起Krispy Kreme, 決定叫佢走堂(健康舞之類), 帶佢去試試. 以前當Krisy Kreme剛剛喺多倫多launch時, 幾乎每個星期都有免費donut食, 因為個開方牛住 0左喺我間酒店到超過大半年 - . 肥死!!! 香港間店喺銅鑼灣利園山道, 唔難”穩”. 不果當去到0既時候, 就見到好多貪新鮮又喜歡排隊0既香港人!!! 大波士話唔想等. 結果去0左紅螞蟻食下午茶(其實淨係.得我食, 大波士淨飲).

之後又去0左Sogo後面睇人為mud絕食. 行過唱片舖見到周董0既<<依然范特西>>& Vanness0既 Scandal 特別版 - 買!!!
It's OK, I would personally much prefer the HK style French toast to a KK donut, more filling : )
You are right, that was my dinner. I am trying to go on diet to get ready for Hawaii!!!
個DVD多0的0野, Vanness 同七仔各自有本獨立寫真歌詞....再加親筆手稿 (Van錯字好多).
When are you going to Hawaii?
How nice!!
Watch out the calories ah! Really 肥死 ga!
I only liked the original taste of th KK and knew that one of that little donut equals to one Big Mac. But it is really yummy ga~
紅螞蟻環境唔錯,不過枱與枱之間太密,我完全知道隔離張枱係講緊乜嘢 .... 係 sell 緊保險囉!
係呀!我都幾大犧牲呀,走 aerobic 堂就係為咗陪Blog主 --> 同事C 食Tea。 哈哈哈!
Wendy, I am coming back to TO the end of this month. Hope to see you then~
How long are you staying this time?
Wendy, I will be back on the night of the 27th and leave on the morning of 12th of October...
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