
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Planning Taipei trip

Taipei is one of my favourite city to visit. I used to go there at least twice a year! However, ever since the last visit in December of 2006, I have been extremely busy at work and don't have time to go there at all.

To plan for the upcoming trip in June (although its only a 3 days 2 nights trip), I really look forward for it!

Things to do:

1. I am visiting my friend, Amy (Susan's sister). She is going to help me purchase the phone that I want (Sharp's) plus we will shop for good food.

2. I will also try out the Japanese restaurant in GH Taipei, heard that Chun likes the food there. May be I will get to see him somewhere in Taipei...

3. Other than that I also hope I will have time to see Elmo, the locking king!


4. As Jacqueline suggested, should go visit the K at across from Pacific Sogo, more chance to see the stars.

That's the plan so far...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Did some shopping today

Haven't shop for shoes for quite some time already. Instead of wearing sneakers all the time, recently, I wanted to get a pair high heels.Shopped many places, wanted to get a pair that is good, comfy and stylish at the same time. I went twice this week already to CWB's Sole Town. There I finally found something I like today...it cost a bit more that what I expect, but...O well, it said "hand made" in "Italy". It should be worth it, right!?!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

廣度 厚度 強度!?!

"韌性 強度 向上提升 沒有人可以每件事情作的好好的
高高低低 起起浮浮 組合起來就是你人生的強度
你的遠吊20倍鏡頭+你的開明度 組合起來就是你人生的厚度
你的廣角鏡+你的韌度執行力 組合起來就是你人生的廣度
增加廣度 增加厚度 增加強度"

學著消化理解它的意思, 意義 & 含義.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

奇妙觸電感覺 34216

"外出時, 乘坐你的車。 那小於一秒的對看, 嚇我一跳。 那感覺就像以前和他玩 Killer 時一樣, 被他電到傻傻的。 年少時, 因為那一個喜歡的感覺, 做了一些瘋狂的幻想和讓我心跳加速的事。 人變老了, 已經很久沒有從前的感覺, 亦沒有想太多。 回家時, 在毫無準備情況下, 境然意外地又乘坐你的車, 又對看了。 明明是不一樣款式和牌子的車。世上真的會有如此巧合的事情。 只可說, 那回家的路程很特別!!!"


Monday, May 05, 2008

A day off at DB

Today is my actual day off after returning from Guangzhou. Cherry called for a gathering and outing at DB to meet up with Anu! I had to admit that I was late and I am terribly sorry to Cherry and Anu.

We arrived DB just before 1pm. This was my first time to go to Discovery Bay and I loved it! I had great feelings about it! It is a very beautiful place, peaceful, and fun. I felt like I was somewhere in California (except for the sunshine) and the ferry reminds me of a shopping mall in Pasadena, CA.

We had a yummy lunch at a Korean restaurant (the same one that Yuri, Maggie and Miki had with Anu last time), great food, and nice talks! I haven't had so much fun for quite some time already. After lunch, we walk around the plaza for a bit. Anu updated us that Kaldora works in one of the shop there too, however she is off today!

There is no taxi in DB but a lot of people own golf carts! I am sure its just as expensive as driving a car! We took a bus to go to Anu's place which it was only about 5 minutes away from the ferry.

After visiting Anu's lovely home, she took us down to the Residents' club house to swim. Although I can't swim well, but we had much fun at the pool. I did a lot of pool walking exercise today! Wahaha...had a great, fun and relaxing day! The most important is that I get to meet up with my 2 best buddies from work but now ex-colleagues...

Friday, May 02, 2008

補祝 Yuri 生日快樂。

今日美女同事 Yuri 休息一個月後第一日返工。 由於之前四月二十八號唔得閒同佢慶祝, 今日同 Miki BB 0左買個藍莓朱古力脆脆蛋糕幫 Yuri 補祝生日。
雖然遲0左, 不過希望佢喜歡, 小小意思!!!

Yuri, 份禮物同蛋糕係我, Miki BB, Joanna, Mike, Maggie & Katy 0既小小心意。 祝你生日快樂, 青春常駐, 心想事成, 一日靚過一日 ^_^