
Tuesday, January 31, 2006


今日放假約左廖四太食lunch. 主要係找埋日本旅行食0野既錢. 由雞年欠都狗年....真係唔好意思. 紅螞蟻都好方便, 680禮頓中心站落車行少少就係. 個menu好多0野食, 比我就唔知點order, 因為好難決定. 幸好有Gloria做decision maker.期間仲玩用手提電話影相.......哇哈哈!個三文魚子鮑魚雞粒火燜飯同蘿蔔糕好香, 好多料, 好好味. Lunch都食都咁飽.

離開紅螞蟻後, 我hea0左去開益買孝天的美味關係, 再行過碟鋪又買0左幾張演唱會DVD (太極 & Alan Tam), Jay's 霍元甲Ep同林海峰既"林海峰是但o翁發花癲" DVD. 心滿意足就歸家.

一口氣睇0西d碟...好正!!! 聽日就去睇Live0既~克勤演唱會!!!


新年留留, 有人歡笑 有人愁...一個朋友密運中, 兩個剛失戀. 各有各煩惱! 各令我非常擔憂. 所以我就只希望能工作順利就夠了!!!


今日收8, 好想睇戲, 晨早就約Apple去看看. 佢想去IFC, 貴d不過d凳好坐, 就數第一排都無所為. 從"黃飛鴻"和"方世玉"起就已經好喜歡李連杰的真功夫電影. 久違了的出色武打...似乎只有他能充份表演出真正中國武術的內涵. 本來已經很期待, 再加上一個VIP guest 0既影響, 俾我想像中更加好! 可能係他很久沒有演古裝.

下一套想睇既戲亦係我很期待的 Jim Carrey

Sunday, January 29, 2006


祝大家新年快,合家幸福,身体健康!!! 狗年旺旺旺~~~
今年第一次派利是...心情有d矛盾, 一方大家高興...另一就唔明點解一個小小Team Leader 要派利是. 不過應該賺得0番0既....哇哈哈!只小沁園家姐比我個封利是無減價(聽聞其他同事既都減0左一半), 琪經理同AM 都比紅色的......

Saturday, January 28, 2006

團年飯 & 新玩意

今日放假喺家休息, 打掃 同睇網球. 當中國女子網球雙打拍檔鄭潔和晏紫贏得澳洲網球公開賽冠軍時, 真係感到高與, 感人, 自豪及值得驕傲. 她們兩度挽救0左兩個 match point 然後最後以2-6, 7-6(9-7) & 6-3贏0左 No. 1 Seed 0既 Lisa Raymond, 真係心涼!!!!!

1730hrs約0左阿姨去新城市換手提電話, 簡直就係人山人海. 見面後就馬上衝去數碼通. 因為目標已經 set 好0左買個 Sharp 0既 SX833黑色. 買機就好簡單, trade-in 部NEC840就得0番HK$820 (上個月仲有HK$1000架)...最難係點張我個電話簿飛過去. 個sales叫我用電腦back-up...得0既就唔使換電話啦. 藍芽又唔得, 因為NEC840個藍芽function 無 link 落個電話簿到. 最後唯有用紅外線一個一個咁飛過去...好低B 0羅. 好彩識0既人唔多, 只係用0左40分鐘就飛完d電話.
My phone's Spec: Weight: 148gSize: 108.7 x 50 x 28.5mmTalk Time: GSM: 4 hours; 3G: 2.5 hoursStandby Time: GSM: 290 hours; 3G: 300 hours
Detailed Specifications: 3.2 Mega pixel CCD camera Optical zoom Autofocus 2.4" QVGA 262K CG Silicon screen Mobile Advanced Super View with 160 degree wide angle viewing
Wide screen QVGA playback QVGA high resolution video capture
MPEG 4 video long-play Stereo music player - MP3, AAC, AAC+
GSX game engine for GSX games

晚餐就去0左阿姨有8折0既風月堂. 第一次食, D 0野原來幾好味. 我一個人喺香港, 呢餐就係我0地0既團年飯啦.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


今日沁園家姐召集所有人懶有形0甘正式約曬D人做 salary review. 舊年都唔使
0甘隆重講究...是但比個信封就數. 仲以為加幾多 ~ 超!!! 今年人人都已經expect 加傳聞中的2%, 少少地都好過無. 點知我就 "Ding"D 都無!!! 無天理! 自問都好勤力, 為什麼??? 升職就無!?! 舊年又話我起薪高, 我加最少. 當有人懶懶閒並且經常做錯0野都可match up 到我o既pay...你知道我有幾難受. 等我仲好用心0甘幫助沁園家姐, 又永介意無OT.....結果......以後我只會講金唔講心!!! No more OT from me. 你食屎啦!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


今日一返工就遺失0左個用0左5年0既八達通卡. 沒想到會比自己公司D人"達". 我只係遺忘0左係個制服房counter面僅僅數秒 就比人達. 再一次證實香港人沒公得心同貪心...5星級酒店的5星級強盜!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


今日員工大會終於 annouce 0左今年的 bonus 出幾多. 傳聞中的3亦變成0左事實. 再加月尾應得個份....可以過肥年.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


To know where and how I spent my "bullets" on this Tokyo trip!?! Here are some of the items I got for myself....sorry guys, I only had enough time to shop for myself this time!
<---My Burberry Coat $59000 Yen!!! Bargin deal from a shop in Ikebukuro, from$9000Yen and got it for $5900 Yen --->

<---Another Burberry item...

Nike shoe from ABC Mart $10000Yen

<---Fujifilm photo printer

Gloria's favourite ~ Kirin's 冰結

Fukuyama's 15year Special DVD set Handbag from Head Porter Chocolate Crunch at Roppongi

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Day 5 - Final Fantasy - Roppongi 13/1

I heard a lot about it in magazines but this is my first time to Roppongi Hills. I am glad that we have decided to join Gloria even our my last day of this trip. Today, we had 2 wake up calls, and my phone alarm as back up in case we misses it again. Hee hee....That's why I said we didn't get the wake up call yesterday cuz, as soon as the first one rang today, I am awake already.

Meet Gloria at their hotel at 0900hrs and off we head to Roppongi Hills to Starbucks for breakfast. This place is so beautiful and is full of different art designs even on the street. The whole complex consist of shopping, office tower, TV station, and also theatres. There is also a Grand Hyatt here, don't know whether I can get comp room here next time!?! We spent the whole morning taking pictures and I bought a very cute chocolate crunch with Takashi Murakami's design on the tin and also an semi-transparent umbrella with Roppongi Hills Art design printed on it as souvenir for myself.

Since we have an evening flight too catch and we need to get to airport 4 hours prior to the flight departs (2 hours to get to the airport and 2 hours for international flight c/in). Cherry and I left Gloria and group at around 1130hrs. We went back to Shinjuku's Takashimaya to look for the Porter hand bag that Cherry had to get for her friend. 3rd time to this department store la....crazy. Nor did Cherry find the model of Porter bag that her friend wants, we didn't even buy the lovely Strawberries that we ate the other day. It cost $660 yen the other day but today they were selling at $1000 yen per box. Forget about it...too expensive! Instead, we went to the basement of Keio Department store to get some snacks for people at work!

We had a bit of time after Keio, we then went to 北澤 for sushi lunch. There we only had a few dishes. It is really difficult to order when we don't speak what we want and read what special fishes there were. Anyway, it was a delicious lunch and it was a good way to end the trip.

4 days of shopping...I had my luggage, Shirley's Lily handcarry, a backpack and also a hand bag on me to return to HK...oh and 2 umbrellas. Speaking of the umbrellas.....I had lots of fun with this trip but it ended with a memorable flaw. I drag all my belongs all the way from Tokyo with more than 10 hours of transportation time......I left my souvenirs - the 2 lovely umbrellas on the stupid luggage cart! And of course with the greedy Hong Kong people staring at ...no one will bother to let me know I left them on the cart!!! Hong Kong people sucks!!! I bet if I am in Toronto or in Tokyo...they will ran after me to let me know that I've left something behind. Oh well......it was memorable anyhow! I guess I will be looking forward to go again with Shirley very soon, perhaps I can get an Osaka or Okinawa umbrella instead!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 4 Tsukijishijo - 12/1

I really have to appologize to Gloria for being late today. We had wake up call at 0615hrs and didn't think it ever rang. Anyway, by time the we got up at 0800hrs, it was already the time that we were suppose to meet with Gloria at her hotel to go to Tsukijishijo for sushi breakfast. Luckly, she gave me her Japan mobile number. We then used less than 1/2 hour to get out of bed and ready to go. We rushed to take the Toei Oedo line as instructed by Gloria. I don't remember that there was any subway stop at the Tsukiji Market but according to "Lai Lai" it was new....Boy, if you think take the MTR during rush hour in Hong Kong is crowded, you should go and experience take the Toei Oedo at 0830hrs. It is jam packed, packed like you were sweeze into the car...really like Sadins in the can!

This was my third time to Tsukijishijo and also my third time to have sushi at 壽司清本店. Since I never tried any other place, I don't really have anything to compare to, but I trust this is definitly one of the best sushi restuarant. Same as before, I order the Chef's choice of daily special of 12 different kinds of sushi. Although, I don't get to see the strimp's tail moving on the sushi rice anymore (only saw it one time when we first came with Gloria), they were still fresh and delicious. Since we were late and there weren't much to buy at the markets, we walked to Ginza to start shopping. Have you ever tried to eat ice-cream under 6C outdoor? Don't try, it is not worth it! Ha ha ha...

Busy schedule for the day - 5 stories new open Uniglo in Ginza, many many street shop for youngster in Harajuku and also the many many brand name shops on Omotesando!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Day 3 Spent in Shinjuku 11/1

Got up around 0745hrs this morning and met up with Gloria at 0915hrs. I start of with a thick toast breakfast. Sakuraya and Big Camera were our first stop. I bought the little photo print by Fujifilm which was the new toy that Gloria was recommending. You can just print out your photos by infrad. I also bought a spare battery and 1GB memory card for my PSP. Prices were of course much cheaper compare to HK.

We pretty much spent the whole day in Shinjuku, from west to east, then east to south....busy busy busy. There wasn`t too much damage to my wallet today but I bought another Burberry shirt at Isetan. Oh...did I mention that we were in the season for Strawberries!?! Yeah, those that looked like wax demo! They were super sweet and I think I will need to buy a box to HK to share with Auntie Lily (She is a strawberry lover).

After a whole afternoon of crazy shopping (skipped lunch), we went to the "Tamago to Atashi" in Lumme 1 at Shinjuku South for a very late lunch. It specialized in Japanese style Rice in Egg Omelete and there were much better than the one in HK. I loved their rice cheese sause on the side. It was very delicious. After the meal, Gloria and others need to unload their shopping bags back to their hotel. Since Cherry and I didn't have much with us, we decided to head to Takashiya again to get the Burberry handbag that Cherry wanted to buy yesterday.

From my experience, whenever you see something you like with Burberry's stuff in Tokyo, you should buy it right away and don't think you can come the next day to decided whether you want it or not. That happen to me 2 years ago on my trip with Susan. Well, same thing happen to Cherry. While I was shopping for my trench coat yesterday, Cherry was looking at one of its handbag and debating whether she should get it or not. Since she thought she might be able to find something from Agnes' B, she didn't buy it yesterday. Today, when we go back to the Takashiya, it was sold out already. I use my limit Japanese vocabulary to ask the sales to check which other store might still have it in the area. After serching a few place, she found one at Keio. Since all shops closes at 2000hrs in Japan, we rush immediately to Keio to get it. Lucky we ask the sale to hold it for us.

We meet up with Gloria again a bit later for Tofu dinner. This resturant is quiet cool as it has monitor at each table for guest to order directly from its touch screen menu. Here I had a very cool drink and love it so much. It call mandarin sour which has a bit of alcohol in it. Never mind about the alcohol, I managed to finished the cup in just a few sip and the mandarin in it was very very sweet, juicy and yummy!!!

Tonight we finished off the day a bit early since we have a long day ahead. Tomorrow, we will so for breakfast sushi at 0800hrs!

That`s about it for today!