
Sunday, August 31, 2008


為"飛落海"演唱會作準備, 昨天買了一台新玩具。 準備要很認真的拍吳尊台上台下的一切舉動跟帥氣的面。 這個是一個不容有失的機會。

我的那一台舊的數碼相機已經用了快三年半, 雖然它已經破舊, 但未有打數放棄。 它已經伴隨了我踏遍許多城市, 見證了許多 Spa 的 opening, 認識了許多新的朋友和為我拍下很多珍貴的照片和美味的食物。 最特別的就是那LCD 熒光幕上面的一道裂痕, 那一道在塞班島 support 時餘留的損傷, 好有紀念價值。 我未會放棄它。 但是它的問題就是不能拍把很遠的東西拉近距離。

至於我的新玩具 - Panasonic FZ28, 它的工能有非常多。 1010萬像素, 27mm 18倍光學變焦 LEICA DC VARIO-ELMARIT 鏡頭, 每秒13張連環快拍模式, 專業全手動曝光及微調功能, 高清1280 x 720 有聲短片拍攝(每秒30格), 自動追蹤功能, 進階 iA 智能拍模式,整合雙重防震,人面對焦,自動場景選擇及最新智能對比度控制功能, 新增相片變形功能,倍添趣味, 2.7吋智能LCD顯示屏(23萬像素),自動調節光度功能,全新Venus Engine IV 影像處理系統,有效減少影像雜訊....


Saturday, August 30, 2008

花樣男子Final (Hanada)

下午跟Gloria, 表妹, 阿姨看了花樣男子Final電影版。 看過電視劇第一輯及第二輯, 或漫畫的朋友都知道這個會是道明寺同杉草既愛情故事。 作為F4的粉絲, 怎樣會錯過。 整部電影氣氛不錯, 又好笑, 又感人。 論到夢想, 道明寺說杉菜就是他所有的夢想。 我覺得道明寺比杉菜付出既愛是多好多倍, 他真的很愛杉菜。 松本潤可以把道明寺那自以為是的表情做的好好笑, 好可愛。 論帥, 松本潤,小栗旬,松田翔太,阿部力都好像不夠藤木直人有形, 他的皮膚好好 0奧~。 最後結婚那幕,竟然選在二人第一次約會的地方令人心動、感到愛情的甜蜜。

Congratulation lor~Sweet sweet!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


由於上一個星期我不在香港, 沒法為阿姨慶祝生日。 今晚就恰好我休息, 也難得約到百忙中的表妹來好好吃一頓晚餐, 慶祝阿姨生日 (當然她們已經去了迪士尼慶祝過!) 這個只是我的小小心意。

我們選擇了我們很久沒有去的飯堂, 馬鞍山的海港。 今晚的菜特別美味, 食物不錯。 我們點了一碟炒飯, 一碟翠塘滑豆腐, 一個日式上湯雜菜煲和一碟鮮果咕嚕黑豚肉。 個雜菜煲有西蘭花,菜心,生菜,白菜,磨菇,金菇,粉絲...料很多。 另外還點了 Karen 表妹的最愛 ~ 瀨尿蝦。

不得不佩服表妹的吃瀨尿蝦的熟練技術, 剝的很乾淨!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

30mins/cycle Height 168mAMSL 28pax Capsules

These are not for a Math test! These are figures and fact for The Singapore Flyer.

I was in Singapore for support for 1 week. The only place that I had chance to visit was the Singapore Flyer. It was an amazing experience and quite excited one. The only pity part of this experience is that I don't have any loved ones to share with. Everyone there in the Capsules went with their family, their friends and I was the only one that was travelling on my own. O well!

Friday, August 08, 2008

A short trip home 29/7 to 7/8

I have been travelling very much this year. I just flew from Beijing->HK->TPE->HK->TO. As soon as I finished my opening support in Beijing, I made a wild trip to Taipei! I have to say that this was the most eventful trip I ever had in Taipei and it is one of the best!

I didn't have to do much packing for my luggage from TPE to home. I just have to throw all the DVDs that I've got and bring them here. O, I also picked up a present for my dad's birthday. It was a wallet. I know he had a lot of things already and probably its not one of the best birthday present that he would want. But I hope he really like it anyhow.

I guess I have been living away from Home too long this time. The excitment for coming home was not as great as I expected. I had a feeling that instead of anticipation, I was actually interupting their quiet life here in Toronto! I never had this kind of feeling ever before and I always think that my family will always be here to support me what-so-ever. No matter how sad I was, how busy and tired I am from work, or even how loney I feel in HK, I can always tell myself that I have my family supporting me, I can get my motivation and energy from them and also I had my best friend here. However, that perhaps is not the case and I had the biggest rejection ever... Anyway, I hope their still do and I still would like to believe in that! Maybe we all just need some warm-up time because the sad feeling was quicky gone as soon as I came back from Chicago but it was time for me to go already.

Out of this 10 days that I had for my vacation, I actually only spent 7 days in TO. I got in on the night of the 29th. It was a smooth arrival and getting through Canadian custom. Dad and Shirley picked me up from the airport. I really think Toronto is my home and I really like this place. I like coming back to my own room and the same old bed! No shopping for me in Toronto but lots of bowling. I bowled 4 days out of the 7. I had 3 great dine out dinner with my family, a dinner relatives gathering at Auntie's place with Grandmom, and a nice lunch catch up with good friends from the Metropolitan! I visited my high-school best friend and loved her Son, Sean.

That's all I did on this short trip home and I am flying out in a few hours. I will miss the Olympic Opening Ceremony as I will be on the plane. Pity!