一雙靈魂之窗 之延續編

AMO Complete Moisture Plus多用途隱形眼鏡藥水生產商宣布回收, 呼籲使用者立刻停止使用. 美國疾病控制及預防中心懷疑該款藥水,導致過百宗罕見但嚴重的棘阿米巴角膜炎. 記得幾個月前我也中招. 機於公司也有認識好幾個同事中招, 今次決定認真地考慮轉用其他牌子. 結果傻傻的我境然買錯0左懷疑唔係比 Hard con 0既 AOSEPT 隱形眼鏡藥水, 差0的拿盲我隻眼, 嚇死我. 一戴上去, 唔夠半秒, 已經拿到開唔到眼, 要用0左好力扯返隻 con 出0黎. 當時隻眼好痛, 紅到好似充0左血, 好驚! 立即滴上次眼科醫生比0既 Natural Tears 狂滴0黎洗眼!!!
Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) has announced a voluntary recall of its Complete MoisturePlus contact lens solutions products. The recall is being initiated because of concerns over eye infections from Acanthamoeba, a naturally occurring water-borne organism which can contribute to serious corneal infections. Remembered a couple months ago, my eye also got infected and so were a few others at my workplace. This recall had prompt me to change brand immediately. However, I was stupid enough to pick up a possible wrong solution last night to soak my lenses. They all say "no rinse, no rub", how am I suppose to know the difference. The second I put on the lens, it burnt my eye badly. I had to force my eye to open in order to put the lens out! It was extremely painful and it scared the hell out of me! I thought I was going blind for this. Thank god I had some left overs of the Natural Tears that the doctor gave me last time to wash my eye. What a scary experience!