Happy Anniversary PL!!!
Its been three years already!!! May 18, 2004 was the offical opening date for PL (沁園). It was a busy day for us to celebrate since it is a Friday and we did more than 68 treatments! Although both 大家姐(NOC) & 二家姐(Dolphine) were out of town, 大家姐(NOC) sent her lovely maid to bring us a huge (3lbs) healthy fruit cake and some party size snacks to celebrate! Yes, there were only healthy foods allow in PL, therefore 大家姐, also got us "zero" cream soda instead or normal cokes!!! The cake was delicious and its quite motivation for all the hard work that we've done so far for the year!!! (I don't remember there were any celebration last year).
In addition, its really pity that Joanna is leaving PL and this her 3rd last day working with us! She came about the same time last year (2 weeks shy of a year), and she has been so far the best replacement we ever got! Except for the opening team, we have never been able to filled position! There were always problems with the new hired candidate....in three years, we already have turnover of 5 GSO, and 2 transfer! Joanna is really a fun to work with and she is very very helpful to the team! Well, at least this one left on good term, whereas, the other 3 left with force resignation!!!
When will PL have a healthy and complete team!?! I will never get to leave unless the manpowere here is complete and strong! Sigh~~~~~

The well-being of PL cannot be your sole responsiblity. It's great that you are dedicated to the place, but there's got to be a more collective commitment from the managers to make the place the ideal work environment that will attract and retain the right people.
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