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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Not too late ah. There are some humorous scenes that made me laugh (not as funny as Full House though). Unlike most of the Korean drama, the main characters do not die, no memory loss, relatively less teary scenes, someone got cancer, but was cured......worth watching ga!
Yeah~I thing it was quite good! I don't like those drama that makes you cry cry cry.
This was the 2nd Korean drama that I've watched. It was good and funny. But take what Gloria said, really don't understand why Korean women were so aggressive!?!
呢套野個flow算快,反而我覺得Daniel H靚仔D。個女配角都幾索架。
韓國人d穿衣品味真係.... scary!
I also though Daniel H was okay before seeing this drama. However, after a few close up shot la...I think that 元彬 靚仔d.
元彬? The Korean guy who thinks he has similar looking like Takuya Kimura is also call 元彬?
should be 玄彬, right?
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