Mind Spa
Welcome to my Mind Spa The development of my wellness Health Living, Travel and Renewal!!!

About Me
- Name: Salad
- Location: Hong Kong/Toronto, SAR/Ontario, Hong Kong
You know what you're doing, so don't hesitate to take control and push things along.
My friends' Blogs
- My Blog@Friendster
- My MSN Space
- My 無名小站
- Shirley's Blog
- Jason's Studios
- Sky's 2nd page
- Gloria's La Vie Avec Amusement
- Gloria's Vampire
- Karen's Melody的天空
- Jana's
- Happy Cherry
- Yuko Mimi
- 奶奶's Rainy Blue
- ä¸ä¸'s 隨想
- Carmen's Blog
- Gloria's friend - Carlos'Choclate fondue
- Gloria's friend - Carlos'paraskavidekatriaphobia
- Winnie So'so so
- Wendy's "Take it slowly"
- Dorothy in Thailand
Favourite links
- Wu Chun's Cool of Fahrenheit
- Fahrenheit 飛輪海 吳尊@FUU
- 吳尊國際後援會
- 汶萊-易華網
- 我就是Elmo.Elmo就是我 - 無名小站
- 『宅』~ - 朋友~兄弟~哥們~(BIH) - 無名小站
- Alive
- Friendster
- Goran online
- 孙耀威的BLOG - 孙耀威 - 新浪BLOG
Previous Posts
- 我的第一次Complete 0既沁園Outing ~
- 蓋世英雄到來
- 死亡筆記
- 美少年之戀 (Bishonen)
- Kangta & Vanness
- 放假休息唱K~
- 保齡~保齡~我摯愛0既運動!
- 令人失望的人 - 我明講你啊!!!
- シャーロットサンド (Charlotte)
- 《Superman Returns》&《S.H.E移動城堡世界巡迴演唱會》
Monday, August 14, 2006
wah, leung sam bak ar?
writing poetry all of a sudden?
That's sweet. I'm certain he's happy - he did get your cell call!
no la, just search those on the internet! That's is why they are in quotation!
I was up until 4am, didn't know whether he is back from Yum Cha, and if I call he might say why I am still up this "early"...
Charlotte (同事C) 係一位好孝順嘅女仔!Daddy 生日又記得,同事生日都記得!Big Boss 等你寫完 Blog 後再留閱後感比你啦!
Big Boss
Testing ...
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