就可能太累了, 一雙眼睛的抵抗力不佳. 所以它受感染了. 已經立即去看公司那位獸醫診斷診斷. 叫他獸醫真的太適合了, 他看也沒看就話好嚴重. 看完專科也還好的說, but 話要喪滴! 未來這幾日我個眼就要"飲"以下這幾瓶藥水...

看來要暫時把我雙"大"眼藏起來 lor~~
Welcome to my Mind Spa The development of my wellness Health Living, Travel and Renewal!!!
You know what you're doing, so don't hesitate to take control and push things along.
就可能太累了, 一雙眼睛的抵抗力不佳. 所以它受感染了. 已經立即去看公司那位獸醫診斷診斷. 叫他獸醫真的太適合了, 他看也沒看就話好嚴重. 看完專科也還好的說, but 話要喪滴! 未來這幾日我個眼就要"飲"以下這幾瓶藥水...
posted by Salad @ 4:08 a.m.
Wah, really need that many meds for 1 eye infection? Seems like over-doing it with 2 broad spectrum anti-biotics.
Like Shirley said that is an awful lot of meds for one eye infection. Does your doctor gets paid by the item of Rx? Is that the reason? Hope you feel better soon!
Well, yes! As HK doctors get to prescribe medicine for their patience and they get paid directly (no pharmacy involved), that could be the reason. Anyway, hope they work and I shall be alright soon.
睇太多「花樣」, too tired!
Are you feeling better now?
Hope you get well soon, get some rest in between the drama chapters next time.
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