好像剛剛過了五年, 沁園家姐好像是在五年前的七月加入的。 回想起來就好像昨天才發生的事情, 但其實已經過了漫長的五年。 五年的努力, 辛苦, 悲傷, 快樂,...和沁園最光煇的歲月。
我跟她的感情就好像媽媽跟女兒, 老師跟學生~ 我討她的歡心。 我現在的心情就像情侶突然分手, 顧客突然發現旅行社破產關閉, 飛機票永遠無法對現, 行山者突然迷路, 軍人打仗發現自己是死淨種, 但還要照顧那些老弱殘兵 ~ 自身難保。 我前無去路後有追兵, 我在這裡的所有努力都白費了。 我真的無力走下去, 2009我憎你!!!
I've been through many many power outage in the past, whether it was in Ghana or in Hong Kong as a child or during the North America Blackout 6 or 7 years ago. The feeling was never good. I hate the feeling that there is a sudden blackout and silence. I tried to reach out for a torch or candle lights to guide me in the dark. Plus I have my family around me to give me support. But I know that the power will always come back up. However, a blackout in my career seems quite different and I don't know when will the light be back up and running again.
Who decided to unplug the power in my world? What have I done to deserve challenges like this. All my hard work is going into the drain. What about all those work that I've put in? 5 years of none stop work, 100% attendance, all the time and effort I devoted? Where were all those promises? Who will give me a transfer ticket to move on? How deep is this roller coast heading? How much can I afford? I really don't have a clue...I hate 2009.
Suddenly realize today is the last day...its just like sudden power outage...I so want to cry (:*_*:) but it can't only be heard in my heart. There is tears in my eyes.
有, 佢第一通知我. 知道時已經哭得像豬頭...還記得那場 Cats 舞臺劇和五年第一次吃的晚餐? 那次之後不久通知我了...
我跟佢感情不可說很好, 但一定是親密戰友, 兵敗如山倒...一走了之也。
原本以為後天才是她的 last day, 突然 HR 還未扣除 No pay leave wor...太過分!!!
Instead of looking for a torch, I am learning to survive in the dark...coz for me, the chance of escaping is slim. I have no choice but to accept the undesirable working environment and try my best to think positively.
Don't be discouraged. The bad times will pass sooner or later. Add oil!
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