南亞 1964!?!

今晚晚飯約0左 Gloria, 奶奶, 丁丁, Carmen....等等!!! 一坐低, 大家就好似玩交換禮物咁, 你比我, 我比佢...比來比去! 奶奶比0左張福山雅治0既相, Gloria 派 Caltrate 收甲護理套裝 (真係幾得架, 仲有賣廣告嚴疑), Annie 幫我買0既孝天相...D相好靚! 食物應該唔係重點, 重點係出0黎吹0下水, 念0下下餐食mud. 好快我地又一起去旅行, 目的地係台北! 一個字 ~ 食!!!

啊! 今日終於dick起心肝訂飛機票. 起初叫陳Sir 幫我去問價錢. 果個人話復活節後好多人去旅行. 所以起碼都要 $1700+. 比我預期貴! 忽然醒起找上次幫我訂日本旅果個 Kit....Group ticket 連附加費都係 $1520 jar!!!
下一個就要 plan 九月尾返加拿大同book 定 comp 房去夏威夷!!!
Wow, Hawaii, nice place. Only been there once when I was small. Neiways, Sun and Beach is not really my cup of tea as I can get bored easily.
Don't forget to look look for the Starbucks tumbler pour moi!!
I guess it's Hawaii then. I was thinking about where to go in the fall for vacation. Should be fun. Aloha!
Email me your dates - did you get my suggested dates on email?
yeah. I booked time off starting Sept 27 to Oct 13....
Daijobu~....will definitely look for the Tumbler la....wahaha
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