Fun with Dick and Jane

"I believe I can fly...". 呵呵~~很爽阿!! 故事比我想像中好, 好好笑, 笑足全場,由頭笑到尾!!! Jim Carrey 無令我失望!!! 沒有了"Cable Guy"太浮誇的演技, 卻加上了對今日的美國的諷刺, 笑中帶淚幾有意思. 唱歌又好聽, 外形又正~~~ Alec Baldwin 就唔"點"....好肥!!!
喺IFC睇戲, 無理由唔去阿姨介紹個間"Sen-Ryo"食壽司. d sushi 同 sashimi 都好正, 好新鮮! 怪不得有咁多人排隊等位啦!!! 一個人0黎食都同我0地比持久力, 由1945hrs 等到2125hrs至有位. d員工(門口個兩個哥仔)服務又好...迴轉壽司之最....連林海峰0既"是但o翁發花癲"0既dvd都有介紹, 但話題就同食無關.

selection 無北澤咁多, and of course it can't be compare to Japan's...but not too bad lor. Worth trying...if you have Genki card, discount is available until 28/2 for 10% off
we were so full and ate many many dishes...about $18 to $48 a dish la...
So Happy, food and movies. Glad you are having so much fun 1 week into the new year of the dog.
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